I've announced our staging site for localize.drupal.org two weeks ago, and some people did take on the opportunity to test out the site and provided valuable feedback. Fixes and improvements are rolled out continually on the site. Since the staging site was set up with a completely revamped user interface to translate text, the following changes made their way onto the staging site:

  • [#225728]: the front page is now streamlined, gives more prominence to the highlighted project and stats instead of boring you with static text
  • [#735218]: groups you are a member of are now prominently highlighted on the front page
  • [#737230]: the appearance of the filter forms was highly simplified and made more discovery-based
  • [#727574]: missing tooltip help for the red circles and blue arrows were added and existing tooltip and UI text was revised / simplified
  • [#738174]: Organic Groups functionality was tightly built into the translation UI instead of relying on navigating away and getting lost
  • [#738194]: Breadcrumbs were reviewed and fixed to ease navigation

While we did not encounter showstopper feedback in the past two weeks, I'd like to keep the new interface on the staging site for a bit more and look for more feedback before pushing it live. Feeling from all the feedback so far, I'm certain we could relaunch the live site with these changes before / in-time for Drupalcon San Francisco, so if any translation teams organize translation sprints for that time, they could enjoy all the new goodies.

Remember: all your data entered on the staging site will be lost, since the live site database will be used to run the updates. So please do use the new site as a testing ground, but not for actual serious work.


Yeeha! Loads of good stuff. What I found I think was not there in the last iteration and like:

- Clicking on pencils now shows the diff red and green. Like it better than on hovering.
- BIG! Filter Button. Love it :) Could still use some color, maybe a tiny bit of blue? Then it might me a little smaller again ;) The D.O. Redesign will bring a different theme, so don't know If you wanna wait for that before investing time in it.
- Half of the filters hidden. Great, easier on the eye. "Reveal more filters" link could be overlooked, though. Not sure how to do that, putting an emphasis on every element.
- The tabs on top could have more highlighting, as "Translate" is the most important and needs to stand out.

As I am suggesting highlighting here and there, this might, as said be redundant and battle each other. The seven theme taught me a lesson concerning this: rather take back the other elements than putting more emphasis on the others is more efficient. Good old d.o. theme does not offer too many typographical options. though.

Thanks for the feedback!

1. I don't think the hover state/behavior should have changed. It should still be working on hover, and it does so for me, not on click. When you click, it starts to diff the text you are entering, but you should still be able to diff on hover all the other suggestions.
2. Yeah, the d.o theme does not have much "page furniture" to work with.
3. I was wondering if we could lead that up with a + button, something like "+ Reveal more filters" or somesuch. Maybe it does not make that much sense, since it communicates "Add", not "Reveal".
4. Agreed. Cutting down from Browse/Edit/Moderate to Translate only should have helped, but it is still not prominent enough. Again, I think the theme has limitations here, so I welcome any suggestions :)

The improvements are really good. I have one suggestion: "Save and Continue" button. This would save the changes (translations) I made and take me to the next page.

Currently, I would do the translations for the messages in a page, and then click on "Save changes" button and then click on the "next page". (Like, when I am looking at quickly translating easy ones.)

Perfect suggestion. I've submitted this issue for you (in your name) at http://drupal.org/node/748578 where we can track its progress.

Thanks to all involved in the awesome changes to the LocServ (kkaefer, Gábor, ...), love it, thank you!

But right now I am really confused. I could swear we hat many suggestions for untranslated strings for the German translation, like a few thousand. Now we do not seem to have any at all (or just a few newly submitted). What happened? I cannot imagine admins having declined thousands of strings blindly. Can this be a bug? Did content get lost in the migration process? Or am I missing something with the filter settings?

You've submitted this at http://drupal.org/node/745396 and we solved it right there :) No data was lost, but some derived/cached flags were improperly set up.